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[Home] [Windows] [UoE M: Drive Mounter]

UoE M: Drive Mounter


This application will attempt to mount your University of Essex M: Drive on your PC.



  • This will only work if you are connected to the main University of Essex network. It will definitely not work from the following locations:
    • When connected on the Eduroam network, even if you are physically in the University of Essex .
    • From the accommodation network.
    • Over VPN in most cases (but you shouldn't need it then anyway).
  • You don't need to enter the "CAMPUS/" prefix for your user name.


  • v0.7: First public release.
  • v0.8: It now automatically ignores the "CAMPUS/" prefix instead of giving an error.
  • v0.9: Support for the new maximum password length (20 chars).

Download: m_drive_mount.exe

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